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Personal Nutrition Design using Metabolic Typing®

Take your nutrition program a step further with Metabolic Typing®, the latest breakthrough in nutrition and health. Metabolic Typing® rapidly identifies your individual nutritional needs, so you can select the foods and nutrients that enable you to function at peak efficiency.

We all know how important healthy eating is for ourselves and our families. But with grocery shelves stocked with foods that have been stripped of natural nutrients and processed with a bewildering array of chemicals, it’s no wonder that eating healthfully seems like an impossible challenge.

My unique nutrition programs will guide you through all the confusing – and often contradictory information – information available today to create a tailored approach that delivers results.

Metabolism is determined by your genetics, making it as unique as your fingerprints. The same food that makes one person feel lively and energetic can leave another feeling drained and lethargic.

Simply put, there is no “one size fits all” approach to diet and exercise. That’s why I design personal nutrition programs that ensure your body’s unique needs are being met.

My unique blend of scientific as well as holistic approaches guarantees to give you all the tools and information you need to take control of your nutrition, your weight and your overall sense of well being.

Optimise Your Health using Metabolic Typing®

You may know that your metabolism, which is the process of converting food into energy, is the key to weight control, disease prevention and overall health.

But you may not know that your metabolic process is determined by your genetics, making it as unique as your fingerprints. That’s why there is no “one size fits all” approach to diet and exercise.

I offer the latest scientific breakthrough in nutrition and health, Metabolic Typing®, a system that rapidly identifies your individual nutritional needs, so you can select the foods and nutrients that enable you to function at peak efficiency.

With this information, you can:

  • Prevent and even reverse chronic illness

  • Optimise your physical energy and mental clarity

  • Lose weight naturally and maintain your ideal weight

  • Strengthen immunity

  • Slow down the ageing process

  • Enhance athletic performance

  • Overcome mood swings and depression

Using Metabolic Typing®, you’ll finally understand how to achieve your health, wellness and weight maintenance goals. Best of all, the process is simple:

How Metabolic Typing® works.

  • I will assess the function of your body’s 28 different organs and glandular systems typically affected by diet, medication and lifestyle.

  • We’ll work together to set specific and measurable goals for your nutrition program.

  • We’ll identify the right foods and the best meal strategies for your specific needs, immediately increasing your energy and improving your health.

  • Using various testing protocols, we’ll track your progress over time and monitor your body’s response to the program, so you can see the results for yourself.

Is it just another diet?

Yes and no.

Yes…because we define a ‘diet’ as simply what you eat.

No…because the approach to what you eat is quite different from any other approach to diets you may have heard of.

Although I know you’ve probably heard this before… yet another ‘unique’approach to losing weight, improving your energy levels, stopping cravings and feeling great. However, metabolic typing® is quite different for many reasons…

Why is Metabolic Typing®so different?

Unlike every other approach out there, Metabolic Typing® provides you with a diet that satisfies your individual nutrition requirements.

This is exceptionally unique – a method of identifying the precise foods which are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for you and you alone.

It is not a ‘one size fits all’ diet. It does not tell you to eat citrus fruits because they’re good for everyone and contain lots of vitamin C. Quite the opposite. Your metabolic type may instead mean that citrus fruits really aren’t going to do you much good at all. Read on to find out how this may already be affecting your health…

The Science Behind Metabolic Typing®

Metabolic Typing® is based upon a scientific method of identifying which of the key systems of the body are out of balance.

These imbalances can cause symptoms such as:

  • Food craving for sweet, salty, carbohydrates or fats

  • Constant headaches

  • PMS and Menopausal symptoms

  • Skin complaints such as eczema, allergies and hives

  • Asthma and Hay Fever

  • Problems getting to sleep and/or staying asleep

  • Weight Problems

  • Mood Swings and Depression

Once these imbalances are identified you can use the correct foods as your medicine to bring the body’s systems back into balance.

This may mean going without certain foods for a period of time whilst your body re-balances, your Metabolic Type can change throughout the course of your life so the foods you eat may also need to change.

It is important to understand that this is not a ‘quick fix’ approach but rather a long term, permanent change in the way you eat and your relationship with food.

How Long Before I will See or Feel Changes?

Often, as soon as you eat the first ‘correct’ meal for your type, you will feel an instant improvement in your mood, your cravings and your energy levels.

However, to resolve chronic, long term health problems, it can take several months of eating correctly for your metabolic type to re-balance your body and feel noticeable changes.


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